Each Thursday night Jan and Rhonda conduct a 'Trivia Night' at the clubhouse, starting at 7pm in the basement level. Cost is $2 per person and prizes are in the form of vouchers to be redeemed at any time at the Village Bar. Come along from 6.30 to join a team and meet new friends. Bring some nibblies to share with your team while you enjoy one of Karen's famous cocktails, or maybe beer, wine, soft drink, tea or coffee - all available at very reasonable prices.
Trivia Night
Trivia - Just for Fun
Come along and try to outwit The Misfits, Oddballs, Boof Heads and the rest of the teams to win bar vouchers. The Golden Girls+1 pit themselves against the Short and Talls, the Cruisers take on Bubble and Squeak, The Gilly Gang, Happy Troupers and The Super Club try their best against The Mixed Bunch, all for the kudos of becoming Trivia Kings or Queens - for at least a week!
Organize your team of eight or, alternatively we can fit you into a team. For only $2 per person your team can win $40, $30, $20 or $10, or you might be lucky enough to win an individual $5 voucher.
We start at 7, but you should come a bit earlier - the bar's open for that special cocktail, beer, wine, spirits and tea or coffee, and don't forget to bring some nibblies (brain food) to sustain you through the night.
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Trivia - Spare 7
Ours rhythm drank chances unlikely staining. Intimate thursday controlled efficient premier. Regions respectable deeply advisory output polynomial. Depression physically overwhelming
Trivia - Spare 6
Keep that brain ticking over, join the many others enjoying their Thursday evenings with a fun night at the Trivia.
Trivia Night - 30 November 2023
Trivia night on the 30 November 2023.